With the holidays right around the corner, many of us are gearing up to hit the road or take to the skies to visit family and friends. While travel plans may be on your mind, preparing your Camden apartment before you leave is just as important. Never fear: Here’s a list of tips and tricks to give you peace of mind while away.
Be Sure and Secure
- Lock All Doors and Windows: Double-check that all entry points, including lesser-used windows, are secure. Worried that you’ll second-guess yourself later? Write yourself a note in your phone to confirm which doors and windows you checked.
- Set Up Timed Lights: A dark apartment is a sure sign to outsiders that nobody’s home. If you plan to be gone for a while, invest in a few timers that automatically turn lights on and off to mimic regular activity. Many smart lights now come with this functionality; some apps even let you control lights remotely.
Photo Courtesy of Camden
You’ve Got Mail (On Pause)
A pile of mail or packages is not only a signal that nobody’s home but can also lead to stolen packages. If you’re gone for more than a few days, place a hold on your mail with the post office. Some services will even temporarily allow you to forward packages to a different address.
Phone a Friend
- Tell a trusted neighbor or your leasing staff that you’ll be out of town. They can keep an eye on your apartment while you’re away and keep you in the loop if needed.
- If you have plants or pets, arrange for someone to water any plants that require care or set up self-watering stakes. For pets, arrange proper boarding or a pet sitter.
Clean Now, Thank Yourself Later
- Clear Out Your Fridge: Avoid unpleasant surprises by using up, giving away, or discarding any perishable foods. If you have items that still have some life, consider donating them to a friend, neighbor, or local food pantry.
- Take Out the Trash: Nothing’s worse than coming home to the smell of old garbage. Empty all trash cans before you leave, including the bathroom bins.
- Run the Dishwasher and Laundry: Put those machines to work to ensure all dirty dishes and clothes are clean. This way, you’ll return to a tidy, fresh-smelling home.
- Change Your Bed Sheets: Fresh sheets make all the difference after a long journey. Strip your bed and make it with clean sheets before you leave so that you can come home to a cozy, relaxing bed.
- Spruce Up Your Common Areas: Give the living room, kitchen, and bathroom a quick tidy before you leave. It will be a gift to your future self when you return to a home that feels welcoming and restful, rather than chaotic.
Run out of time to clean? Consider taking advantage of Spruce, Camden’s partner for all things housekeeping and chores. With over thirty services, you're bound to find a service that fits your needs.
Photo Courtesy of Spruce
Better Safe Than Sorry
- Adjust the Thermostat: For those in colder climates, set your thermostat to a lower temperature, but keep it warm enough to avoid frozen pipes. If it’s warmer out, adjust the thermostat to keep air conditioning to a minimum. Not sure what temperature is right? Our Camden Maintenance teams are here to help!
- Unplug Electronics: Not only does unplugging save energy, but it also reduces the risk of an electrical fire. Unplug any small appliances, like toasters or coffee makers, and don’t forget to power down larger items like TVs and computers.
Make a List, Check it Twice
- A packing checklist ensures you’re prepared and helps avoid last-minute rushes. Include not only essentials but also items like chargers, medication, and ID.
- Don’t Forget the Final Sweep: Before walking out the door, take one last walk through your apartment. Look for any stray items, unclosed windows, or plugged-in electronics you might have missed.
A few extra steps before you head out can make your trip and your return so much smoother. Prepping your home for holiday travel helps avoid unwelcome surprises and allows you to fully relax while you’re away. Hosting instead of traveling? Check out this blog for tips on hosting the holiday in your Camden apartment!
From all of us here at Camden, safe travels and happy holidays!